Scroll Reveal


Scroll the screen to see the transition effect of background color and border.

Show Code [styles.scss]
.demo-sr-bg1 > div {
    background-color: rgb(198, 247, 237);
.demo-sr-bg1-active > div {
    animation: demo-sr-bg1-anim 1s linear forwards;
.demo-sr-bg2 > div {
    background-color: rgb(198, 247, 208);
.demo-sr-bg2-active > div {
    animation: demo-sr-bg2-anim 1s linear forwards;
.demo-sr-bg3 > div {
    background-color: rgb(198, 247, 208);
.demo-sr-bg3-active > div {
    animation:demo-sr-bg3-anim 1s linear forwards;
@keyframes demo-sr-bg1-anim {
    from {
        background-color: rgb(198, 247, 237);
    to {
        background-color: rgb(250, 181, 212);
@keyframes demo-sr-bg2-anim {
    from {
        background-color: rgb(198, 247, 208);
    to {
        background-color: rgb(212, 181, 250);
@keyframes demo-sr-bg3-anim {
    from {
        border: 5px solid #000;
    to {
        border: 15px solid rgb(47, 50, 237)
Show Code [index.tsx]
import React from "react";
import ScrollReveal from 'funda-ui/ScrollReveal';
export default () => {
    return (
                    y: '-50%',
                    x: '0px'
                <div style={{height: '80vh'}}>Box</div>
                onChange={(box, visiblePct) => {
                    if (parseFloat(visiblePct) === 100 ) {
                    if (parseFloat(visiblePct) === 0 ) {
                <div style={{height: '80vh'}}>Box</div>
                showClassName={['shadow-lg', 'demo-sr-bg3', 'demo-sr-bg3-active']}
                onChange={(box, visiblePct) => {
                    console.log(box, visiblePct);
                onIntersect={(box, isIntersecting) => {
                <div style={{height: '300px'}}>Box</div>


Scroll Reveal

import ScrollReveal from 'funda-ui/ScrollReveal';
rootElementdocumentThe Intersection Observer interface's read-only root property identifies the Element or Document whose bounds are treated as the bounding box of the viewport for the element which is the observer's target.-
infinitebooleanfalseAnimate repeat infinite.-
defaultClassNamestring | string[]-The name of the class by default.-
showClassNamestring | string[]-The name of the class added after the collision, to control the hiding or displaying effect of the element.-
viewOffsetJSON Object{y:'0px',x:'0px'}This attribute expands/contracts the active boundaries of the viewport when calculating element visibility.-
delaynumber-A number indicating the minimum delay in milliseconds between notifications from this observer for a given target.-
thresholdnumber | number[][0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0]Number between 0 and 1 indicating the percentage that should be visible before triggering. Can also be an array of numbers, to create multiple trigger points.
It is usually used with viewOffset
onChangefunction-Call this function whenever the in view state changes. It returns two callback values.
  1. The first is the element in the viewport (HTMLElement)
  2. The second is a string of visible percentage (String)
onIntersectfunction-Call this function when elements intersect. It returns two callback values.
  1. The first is the element in the viewport
  2. The second is intersecting state (Boolean)